Getting the Most of our Square Footage

We all wish we have all the money to buy a home here in the city that have enough living space. However we have to pay for square footage and it is not cheap! For people on a budget like me, we now have a choice of having enough space by living in the suburbs or staying in a smaller place in the city. If you want to enjoy the amenities and have less travel time, living in the city is the choice. If you are living in a studio or using or living room as a guest room, or a guest room doubles as your study, you don't have to live in a cramp space, the answer is multifunctional furniture and clever storage solutions.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Multi-Purpose Desk

Space is at premium these days and budget need to be stretched to our numerous needs so choosing multipurpose desk whether at home, school or the work place is a wise decision. Spectrum's eFPM Multi-Purspose Desk can be a computer table when the room is being used as a computer lab and an ordinary desk during lecture. The computer monitor compartment can be retracted underneath the table with a push of a button when not needed.

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